


现重复下: Uom是输出正弦电压的最大值缩写。你提供的表述有误,Uom=(Vcc-Uces),根据KVL,负载上所能得到的最大电压为电源电压减去三极管饱和压降Uces(考虑变压器变比为1)。根据有效值和最大值的关系,输出有效值Uo=(Vcc-Uces)/√2。可能是PPT制作有误,详见教材。




三、Understanding the Meaning of UOM in Purchase Order

Have you ever come across the abbreviation "UOM" in a purchase order and wondered what it stands for? In this article, we will explore the meaning of UOM in the context of purchase orders and its significance in the procurement process.

What is UOM?

UOM is an acronym for "Unit of Measure." It refers to the specific unit or quantity used to measure and quantify a product or service in the procurement process. This unit enables uniformity and accuracy in identifying and tracking the quantity of items in a purchase order.

Role of UOM in Purchase Orders

In a purchase order, the UOM serves as a fundamental aspect of the item description, providing essential information about the quantity and type of goods being procured. It allows suppliers and buyers to have a common understanding of the size, volume, or quantity of products involved in a transaction.

For example, if a company wants to purchase 1000 units of a particular item, the UOM will specify whether it is referring to pieces, liters, kilograms, or any other relevant metric. This ensures clarity and avoids any confusion or misunderstandings regarding the intended quantity.

Types of UOM

The choice of UOM depends on the nature of the product or service being procured. There are various types of UOM commonly used in purchase orders, including:

  • Each (EA): Used to specify individual items or pieces
  • Dozen (DOZ): Indicates a group of 12 items
  • Gallon (GAL): Measures the volume in gallons
  • Yard (YD): Used for measuring fabric or length
  • Ton (TN): Measures weight in tons

These are just a few examples, and the actual UOM used in a purchase order may vary depending on the industry, product, or convention followed.

Importance of UOM Accuracy

The accuracy of the UOM specified in a purchase order is crucial to ensure that both the buyer and the supplier have a consistent understanding of the quantity being procured. Misinterpretation or incorrect UOM selection can lead to errors in inventory management, delivery discrepancies, and financial losses.

Furthermore, using the correct UOM allows for effective comparison of prices and quantities between different suppliers and helps in maintaining accurate records for future reference and analysis.

In Conclusion

Understanding the meaning of UOM in purchase orders is essential for both buyers and suppliers. It facilitates clear communication, ensures accuracy in quantity descriptions, and helps avoid misunderstandings or disputes. By providing a consistent unit of measure, UOM plays a vital role in streamlining the procurement process and maintaining transparency in transactions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided valuable insights into the importance of understanding UOM in purchase orders.


曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester,简称曼大,缩写为UoM)始建于1824年,是一所著名的英国研究型大学。曼大是英国的六所红砖大学之一,亦为英国罗素集团的创始成员。



WMS是仓库管理系统(Warehouse Management System) 的缩写,仓库管理系统是通过入库业务、出库业务、仓库调拨、库存调拨和虚仓管理等功能,综合批次管理、物料对应、库存盘点、质检管理、虚仓管理和即时库存管理等功能综合运用的管理系统,有效控制并跟踪仓库业务的物流和成本管理全过程,实现完善的企业仓储信息管理。该系统可以独立执行库存操作,与其他系统的单据和凭证等结合使用,可提供更为完整全面的企业业务流程和财务管理信息。

UOM就是Unit Of Measure,标准单位的意思,也有简称U/M。









电源电压减去饱和电压(Vcc - Uces)是最大不失真输出电压瞬时值。

Uom 是最大不失真输出电压有效值。






