1.全称First Team Shooting,即“第一人称团队射击游戏”。
2.FTS的其它解释:1. =Fido Technology Standard 【电脑】标准名(凡是想要与FIDONET相容网络连接的程序,皆要符合此一技术标准的规格)2.搭接网络图的逻辑关系之一。通常分为四种基本关系:从完成到开始(FTS),从完成到完成(FTF),从开始到开始(STS),从开始到完成(STF)。另有两种混合搭接关系:STS与FTF的混合搭接;STF与FTS的混合搭接。混合搭接要求同时满足两种搭接条件。例如,结束到开始时距fts=a,结构式为i FTS j|i《j或i FTS=aj|i《j,其简式为i FTSj或i FTS=a j。搭接链FTS/ij又称为FTS链(其余类推)。3.FTS=Flion Testing Service [ROHS检测公司]汇立丰检测服务有限公司,是专业从事ROHS检测的第三方检测机构。
FT,英制长度单位英尺foot的英文缩写.1ft=12in(英寸) 其和国际长度单位的换算关系如下:Iin=25.4mm 1ft=304.8mm所以是速度单位吧
深圳市汇立丰检测中心(FTS)成立于2002年,位于交通便利的深圳市宝安区,拥有国际同行业最先进的检测设备,是依据ISO/IEC 17025运行并取得国家CNAS认可的专业检测机构。是国内RoHS检测领域技术力量雄厚,管理制度完善,检测设备先进的专业RoHS检测实验室。同时实验室拥有一支多学科高素质的专业检测队伍,能采用目前国际上通用和欧盟认可的标准方法,以一切为客户服务的宗旨,以客观、可靠、实惠、快速服务目标为客户提供最优质的检测服务。
1. Lead (Pb)铅及其化合物
2. Cadmium (Cd)镉及其化合物
3. Mercury (Hg)汞及其化合物
4. Chromium VI (Cr VI)六价铬及其化合物
5. PBBs or PBDEs多溴联苯或多溴联苯醚
6. PBBs+PBDEs多溴联苯+多溴联苯醚
8. 四溴双酚A( TBBP-A)
9. 卤素Halogen(F, Cl, Br,I)
深圳市汇立丰检测中心(FTS)成立于2002年,位于交通便利的深圳市宝安区,拥有国际同行业最先进的检测设备,是依据ISO/IEC 17025运行并取得国家CNAS认可的专业检测机构。是国内RoHS检测领域技术力量雄厚,管理制度完善,检测设备先进的专业RoHS检测实验室。同时实验室拥有一支多学科高素质的专业检测队伍,能采用目前国际上通用和欧盟认可的标准方法,以一切为客户服务的宗旨,以客观、可靠、实惠、快速服务目标为客户提供最优质的检测服务。
1. Lead (Pb)铅及其化合物
2. Cadmium (Cd)镉及其化合物
3. Mercury (Hg)汞及其化合物
4. Chromium VI (Cr VI)六价铬及其化合物
5. PBBs or PBDEs多溴联苯或多溴联苯醚
6. PBBs+PBDEs多溴联苯+多溴联苯醚
8. 四溴双酚A( TBBP-A)
9. 卤素Halogen(F, Cl, Br,I)
完成到完成时距(FTFi,j) 的连接方法:表示紧前工作i 完成时间与紧后工作j 完成时间之间的时距和连接方法。FTF1,2=2表示第一工作结束日到第二工作结束日之间的时间差为2天。例如相邻两工作。
深圳市汇立丰检测中心(FTS)成立于2002年,位于交通便利的深圳市宝安区,拥有国际同行业最先进的检测设备,是依据ISO/IEC 17025运行并取得国家CNAS认可的专业检测机构。
八、Understanding the Meaning of FTS in Finance: Explained
In the world of finance, there are numerous acronyms and terms that may seem confusing to the uninitiated. One such term is FTS, which stands for Financial Transaction Tax. In this article, we will delve into the meaning and implications of FTS in finance.
What is FTS?
FTS, or Financial Transaction Tax, is a tax levied on various financial transactions. It is typically a small percentage of the transaction value and is imposed on activities such as stock trades, bond purchases, currency exchanges, and derivatives. The exact scope and rate of FTS may vary from country to country.
Why is FTS Implemented?
The primary purpose of implementing FTS is to generate revenue for the government. By taxing financial transactions, governments can collect funds that can be used to finance public services, infrastructure development, or reduce budget deficits. FTS is also seen as a way to discourage speculative activities in financial markets and promote long-term investing.
Impacts of FTS
The implementation of FTS has several potential impacts on the financial markets and economy:
- Revenue Generation: FTS can generate significant revenue for governments, which can be used for various public purposes or to reduce the burden on other forms of taxation.
- Market Liquidity: Critics argue that FTS may reduce market liquidity by increasing transaction costs. Higher transaction costs can discourage trading activities and hinder the ease of buying and selling financial assets.
- Market Volatility: FTS can influence market volatility by altering the behavior of investors. It may lead to a shift in investment strategies and possibly affect price movements.
- International Competitiveness: The implementation of FTS in one country can potentially impact its competitiveness in attracting foreign investment. Investors may seek alternative jurisdictions with lower transaction costs.
- Equity and Distribution: Supporters argue that FTS can promote a more equitable distribution of wealth by taxing high-frequency trading and speculative activities. It can potentially reduce income inequality by taxing the financial sector.
Examples of FTS
Several countries have implemented or proposed FTS in recent years. For instance:
- In 2012, France introduced FTS on shares of French companies. The tax was set at 0.2% of the transaction value.
- The European Union has also discussed the possibility of a harmonized FTS across its member states.
- In 2013, Italy implemented a tax on high-frequency trading and derivatives transactions.
- Other countries, such as Brazil, South Korea, and Sweden, have also explored the idea of implementing FTS.
FTS, or Financial Transaction Tax, plays a significant role in the world of finance. It is a tax levied on various financial transactions and has both intended and unintended impacts on financial markets and the economy. Understanding the meaning and implications of FTS is crucial for both investors and policymakers. By delving into the details of FTS, we can have a better grasp of its effects and make informed decisions.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it has provided you with a clear understanding of the meaning of FTS in finance. If you have any further questions or would like to delve deeper into this topic, please feel free to reach out to us.
FTS是新加坡的一个触摸屏技术公司,全称为"Financial Technology Solutions"。它提供金融科技解决方案,帮助金融机构改进客户体验和数字化转型。