,绝大多数的电脑主机电源都是ATX标准规格,ATX电源标准尺寸为150mm x 140mm x 86mm,而SFX电源通常尺寸只有125mm × 100mm × 63.5mm,SFX-L电源通常尺寸为125mm x 130mm x 63.5mm,从尺寸可以看出SFX电源相比标准ATX电源在尺寸上更小,更好的运用在ITX机箱内,节省出更多的空间来容纳硬件。
1 测量额温: 先按下Ohr按钮开机,把探头贴在一侧太阳穴,然后按下Stirn按钮不要松开,再把体温计划向前额一直到另一侧太阳穴处时再放开。这个时候可以听到一个很短的提示音,屏幕便会显示测出来的温度。同时开机按钮下方的提示灯会亮,绿色表示不烧,红色表示发烧了。
2 测量耳温:先取下探头的保护罩,按下Ohr按钮开机,轻轻拉起耳朵使耳道畅通,大人向上拉,婴儿向后拉(6个月以下婴儿耳道较窄,影响准确度,建议此款可选择用额温方式测量)。把体温计探头插入后按一下Stirn按钮,听到一个短促的提示音表示测量完成。
3 测量物体表面温度:按下Ohr按钮开机,然后同时按M键和开机键大约3秒,屏幕会出现发射状的符号,这样就切换到了测量物体表面温度的模式。对准需要测量的物体表面,探头距离被测物约3公分,按下Ohr或Stirn按钮随即放开即可测量。想返回正常测量体温模式的话再同时按M键和开机键大约3秒即可返回。关机:闲置1分钟以上会自动关机,如果想手动关机可以同时按下Strin及Ohr按钮大约3秒即可关闭。使用电池:该产品使用2节7号碱性电池(不可使用充电电池)。设定温度单位、日期及时间:开机后长按S键约3秒进入设定模式,按S键改变设定,按M键储存设定,完成后会显示OFF字样然后自动关机。
四、The Meaning of SFT in Finance: Explained in Detail
When it comes to finance, there are plenty of acronyms and jargon that can leave people feeling confused. One such abbreviation is SFT, which stands for Securities Finance Transactions. In this article, we will delve into the meaning of SFT in finance and provide a comprehensive explanation of its significance in the financial world.
What is SFT?
SFT, or Securities Finance Transactions, refer to a broad category of transactions involving the lending or borrowing of securities. These transactions typically occur between institutional investors such as banks, hedge funds, and asset management firms. The primary purpose of these transactions is to facilitate the short-selling of securities, provide liquidity to the market, and manage risk.
Securities lending is an essential component of SFT. It involves the lending of securities (such as stocks or bonds) by an owner (lender) to a borrower for a specified period. The borrower provides collateral in the form of cash or other securities, and the lender earns a fee or interest on the loaned securities. Securities lending is prevalent in institutional investment strategies, allowing investors to generate additional revenue from their securities holdings.
Repurchase agreements (also known as repos) are another type of SFT. In a repo, one party sells securities to another party with an agreement to repurchase them at a later date. Repos play a critical role in short-term funding and liquidity management for financial institutions. They provide a way for these institutions to obtain cash quickly by using securities as collateral.
Why are SFTs important?
SFTs play a crucial role in the overall functioning of the financial markets. Here are a few reasons why they are considered important:
- Enhancing market liquidity: SFTs provide liquidity to the securities markets by allowing investors to borrow and lend securities. This helps facilitate trading and market efficiency.
- Short-selling: SFTs enable investors to engage in short-selling, which involves selling borrowed securities with the aim of profiting from the price decline. Short-selling helps improve market efficiency and contributes to price discovery.
- Income generation: Securities lending, a key component of SFTs, allows investors to earn additional income from their securities holdings. This can be significant, especially for institutional investors with large portfolios.
- Securities financing: SFTs provide a means for market participants to obtain financing by using securities as collateral. This is particularly important for financial institutions that require short-term funding to meet operational needs.
Regulation and Risks
Given the significant role SFTs play in the financial markets, they are subject to regulatory oversight. Regulators aim to ensure transparency, stability, and risk management in SFT activities. In some cases, excessive use of SFTs can contribute to systemic risks, such as excessive leverage or interconnectedness among financial institutions.
It is essential for market participants to understand the risks associated with SFTs. These risks include counterparty risk, liquidity risk, and market risk. Additionally, regulatory changes and market conditions can impact the availability and cost of financing through SFTs.
In summary, SFTs, or Securities Finance Transactions, are a vital part of the finance industry. They involve transactions related to securities lending and repurchase agreements, facilitating short-selling, enhancing market liquidity, and generating additional income for investors. However, it is crucial for market participants to understand the risks associated with SFTs and for regulators to monitor these activities to ensure financial stability. By understanding the meaning and significance of SFTs, investors and industry professionals can make more informed decisions and navigate the financial markets more effectively.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with a clearer understanding of SFTs in finance and their importance in the financial world.
SFT 代表 螺旋槽的丝锥。
SFT光幕并不是一个具体的品牌,而是一种机器安全保护设备的通用名称。SFT是Safety Light Curtain的缩写,意为安全光幕,也称为光电保护栅或光电保护幕。它是一种通过发射和接收光束来检测和保护机器运作区域的设备,可以用于防止人员误入危险区域,保护工人的安全。这种设备由多家公司生产,如欧姆龙、施耐德电气、西门子等。